Cross-Cultural Conflict: A Study in the fiction of Bharati Mukherjee’s Novels

Richa Mishra


Bharati Mukherjee is an India-born American Novelist who has highlighted the conflict between the cultures of ‘homeland†and ‘adopted land’.Bharati Mukherjee as a Novelist and a short story writer deals with the problems of transition which brings the state of displacement, separation, rootlessness, cultural conflict or biculturalism and it cultivates the ocean of diasporic ethos in her works. If we look at her characters in novels and short stories, we can find them as a harbinger of diasporic consciousness in shape of sufferings, pains, predicaments, loneliness, homelessness and rootlessness. The present paper will delve deep in highlighting such diasporic ethos of cultural conflict of Indian as well as American cultures.


Cross-Cultural conflicts; expatriation; immigration; displacement; nostalgia; acculturation; assimilation

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Bharati Mukherjee, “Immigrant Writing: Give us your Maximalists!â€

New York Times Book Review, 28 August, 1988, p.28

Ibid., p.28.

Ibid., p.28.

Mukherjee, op.cit., 28.

Geoff Hancock. “An interview with Bharati Mukherjee, “Canadian Fiction Magazine, 59 (1987), p.35.

Jerry Pinto. “Bharati but American, “The Sunday times, 5 January 1997, P.II


Malashri Lal. “Bharati Mukherjee: The ‘Maximalist’ Credo,†in K.N. Awasthi, ed Cotemporary Indian English Fiction: An Anthology of Essays (New Delhi: ABS Publications, 1993), pp. 57-58.

Maya Manju Sharma “The Inner World of Bharati Mukherjee: From Expatriate to Immigrant,†in Emmanuel S. Nelson, ed Bharati Mukherjee: Critical Perspectives (New York, London: Garland Publishing, 1993), p.18.

George Steiner. Extra-territorial: Papers on Language and Literature (London: Faber, 1968), pp. 10-11.

Christine Gomez “The On-Going Quest of Bharati Mukherjee from Expatriation to Immigration†in R.K. Dhawan, ed. Indian Women Novelist, Vol.3 ( Delhi: Prestige, 1995), p.72.

Ibid., p.72

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