Role of Present Karma in the Shaping of Protagonist’s Destiny: DAWA, THE STORY OF A Stray DOG IN BHUTAN
Present karma, the action on daily bases has power to subvert the negative karma of the past and has power to architect the wondrous future. The fate of both past and future which is inevitable to face at one point of the time in the circle of birth, death and rebirth depend on present karma. It is only the present karma that can make living possible and visualizing the true potential of oneself to make the dream happens in reality. There is no another such precious now then the present now and there is no another individual like one then oneself to make the thing happen, that one wanted to happen in one’s life. How smartly one acts and executes the works on time will reflect the type of living and the life he or she will have. One is solely and only the maker of one’s own fate and the type the world one lived in. This paper therefore, explores how the present karma works miracles in making the life wonders at present and in all time to come. Each and every point in this paper on the working of present karma in shaping one’s destiny in life will be authenticated with an example that really made the life of the protagonist, Dawa, different in the  novella ‘ Dawa; The Story of a Stray Dog in Bhutan’.Keywords
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