- The Achievers Journal (TAJ) is an OPEN ACCESS, editorial reviewed, quarterly, International research journal which covers erudite, pragmatic, and contemporaneous research in the field of English Language, Literature and Culture.
- All articles published in The Achievers Journal (TAJ) are freely available online for download immediately after publication.
- It is indexed in DOAJ, BASE, RESEARCH GATE, WORLDCAT, GOOGLE SCHOLAR and many more indexing databases in research and libraries.
- This journal not only utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration but also provides ARTICLE DOWNLOAD STATISTICS.
- The Achievers Journal (TAJ) does not charge Publication Fee, and will always remain openly accessible to its authors and readers.
Title proper: The Achievers Journal : Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture
Abbreviated key-title: The Achiev. j. : j. Engl. lang. lit. cult.
ISSN: 2454-2296 (Print Version)ISSN: 2395-0897 (Electronic Version)
DOI NUMBER: 05.2016-82675229
DOI LINK: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/05.2016-82675229/
Publication Frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year).
The Achievers Journal publishes issues in April, July, October, and January.
Nature: Print and Online
Submission: Online
Language of Publication: English
Original alphabet of title: Basic Roman
Subject: UDC: 82
Subject: Literature
Publisher: The Achievers Foundation for English Studies
Bhadohi: theachieversjournal.com
Type of resource: Periodical
Country: India
Indexed by: DOAJ, ROAD, The Keepers, Scope, Index Copernicus, Worldcat, J-Gate, Jisk, Google Scholar, BASE, X-Journals and many more
Email: theachieversjournal@yahoo.com / theachieversjournal1@gmail.com
The journal provides article download statistics.
Vol 10, No 4 (2025): The Achievers Journal
Table of Contents
Papers on English Language and Literature